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Quirk NLS



It was an incredible moment for all of us when we released the rst issue of Quirk last trimester. We were naturally very anxious about the release but the highly encouraging response we received only strengthened our conviction in the idea of Quirk. We are very grateful to all those who submit- ted pieces for this edition and even though there were some we could not include, we will de nitely consider them for future editions.

Our editorial process this trimester started with us wasting the rst two weeks, then going into a mode of panic to make a dra storyboard. Our initial deadline was to release this is- sue on Alumni Day, but as usual, Law School got in the way. Finally, after a lot of procrastination and a considerable degree of nagging we’ve managed to come up with something that we are proud of.

We are sure this edition has something for everyone. This issue carries an interview with a faculty member who has seen Law School grow with her, an insider piece by an alumni who nar- rates their intimate experience with caste in Law School and a student submission imploring us to take responsibility for the task of learning in our own hands among several others that comment on the state of our University. We also have several lighter pieces talking about disparate topics from Secret Santa to Flying Cars. Also featured are two brilliant poems to further diversify the content we showcase.

For this edition, our focus has been to expand our contributing base to include multiple pieces from students outside of the editorial team and extend our interviews to people who you don’t often spot on campus. An attempt has also been made to understand our identity as that of an institution as opposed to the disparate elements that may define our daily experience here. It is our hope that this issue provokes, informs and entertains you.

We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we did compiling it!

With love,

Quirk Team National Law School of India University, Bangalore.


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