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Number of Woke Bois at the National Law School at an All Time High

Number of Woke Bois at the National Law School at an All Time High

Despite extensive investigation, source of wokeness remains a mystery

October 6, 2018 | Bengaluru | By: Mukta Joshi

India’s finest law university sure does boast of the wokest of Woke Bois, but where are they coming from? The Quirk team recently undertook an inquiry in an attempt to find some answers to the discrepancy between the number of men enrolled in feminist courses at the National Law School of India University, and the number of Woke Bois it churns out annually.

And these Bois sure are Woke – we need look no further than law school’s infamous email threads, SBA Noticeboard comment threads, and batch WhatsApp group conversations. It certainly isn’t the case that men who don’t bother to study feminist courses don’t have opinions on issues of gender, sexuality, and the pervasive nature of sexual violence, so we attempted to understand the cause of their absence in these courses, and spoke to a few Woke Bois on campus.

“I find academic feminism too pretentious, so my favourite organic source of feminism are my female friends. The best part is that their personal experiences and emotional labor are available to me for free, and I don’t even have to do as much as writing a Lizzie project!” said a fifth year student who’s so woke that he makes sure to never hold the door open for any woman, no matter how pregnant or how old.

“Why take a course on feminism when I can learn some every time a bhai gets attacked on the batch group?” said a fourth year student who, just last week, lectured his female friends on the importance of extending the benefit of the doubt to his bro accused of sexual harassment.

Since the Bois did, admittedly, seem to be making very valid points, we turned to the women on campus to gauge their opinion on whether the shocking lack of male participation in feminist courses was a problem.

When asked, a third year student said, “It’s true that my boyfriend would understand that his gaslighting behaviour is textbook if he’d read the damn textbook, but I think it’s okay because it isn’t too late now to say sorry, and he misses more than just my body.”

“Nothing quite compares to the adrenaline rush I get when I relive my own experiences of harassment while using them as examples to prove the importance of social sanction. I mean, I know that countless others have already spent their careers writing about them so I don’t have to, but I’m so grateful to my male friends for giving me a chance to do it anyway,” said a fifth year student.

“Even though the classroom is a space exclusively designed to facilitate the exchange of unsettling ideas and conflicting intellectual opinions, my favourite place to do it is at Chetta – after all, my favourite D’s are debate and discussion!” a fourth year student exclaimed.

Perhaps we were overzealous in identifying a feminist issue where there wasn’t one, but is this trend likely to change anytime soon?

“I don’t know – I’m just more inclined towards commercial law,” said a student as he walked past.

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